Java install with Adept

Tez binary_y2k2 at
Tue Jan 9 13:11:56 UTC 2007

tudza wrote:
> Two problems I need help with, both stem from trying to install the Sun 
> Java JRE.
> The first attempt failed because the license agreement did not display 
> properly.  I was lucky to even realize it was there, but I happened to 
> decide to hit Show Details.  I could not get to the part of the document 
> that allowed me to accept the license.
> What do I do about that?
> Also, this seems to have locked up the Adept database, even across a 
> full restart of the system.  How do I clear that?
For some reason you can't accept the licence with Adept, It's a known issue.
You have to do it from Konsole, or Synaptic (of you have it installed).
So open Konsole from: Kmenu -> System -> Konsole and in it type:
sudo dpkg --configure -a
that should continue from adept and ask you to accept the licence, if 
nothing happens use:
sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jre

On to problem number two,
also use this if you get an error about /var/lib/dpkg/lock when trying 
to use dpkg or apt-get
this command (also in konsole) should help:
sudo fuser -k /var/lib/dpkg/lock

if not then use: sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock

Now you should have Java JRE installed, and adept will work again.


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