Scons do not find KDE includes for Rosegarden

Mario Frechette mariof2000 at
Thu Jan 4 17:13:26 UTC 2007

Hello list

i am running DAPPER 6.06 LTS  and I am trying to compile Rosegarden 1.4 
with Scons as they say
in the HELP file ..  and i had no trouble to export the QTDIR to PATH

but I can't figure how to set up the kde includes ??

here's waht append when I run ."scons configure"

hecking for kde-config           :  kde-config was found as 
Checking for kde version          :  3.5.2
Checking for the qt library       :  qt is in /usr/share/qt3
Checking for uic                  :  uic was found as /usr/share/qt3/bin/uic
Checking for moc                  :  moc was found as /usr/share/qt3/bin/moc
Checking for the qt includes      :  the qt headers were found in 
Checking for the kde includes     :  The kde includes were NOT found

does this means something to anybody ???

there's my PATH too

echo $PATH

Thanks for reading

Mario ..the french guy

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