How to properly install RealPlayer for Linux

john d. herron paradox.herron at
Wed Jan 3 05:32:56 UTC 2007

Hi, all.
When I tried to install the version of Realplayer (v 8.0.11) proposed by 
Adept, the response I got from Adept manager in the 'Requested' column 
was a "BREAK (install)" in red color, with an ensuing message to the 
effect that the object in the repository is broken.
I then turned to the website, where I found two Linux options 
available: RealPlayer10GOLD.bin  or  RealPlayer10GOLD.rpm.
My Firefox browser is set up to routinely download files onto the 
desktop (is that the best choice?), but I'm so dumb I don't know 1) 
which of the two suggested options would be better nor 2) how to install 
that better option so it will land in the proper place (folder ...) to 
operate properly.
Also, is the installer going to automatically provide for an application 
menu entry or is that something that will need to be done manually?
Any help will be thankfully appreciated.
kubuntu 6.06 LTS on i586 w/ 512 MB


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