nvidia settings

Daniele Scarselli scarselli at faunalia.it
Tue Jan 2 20:13:16 UTC 2007

I've a problem with my Nvidia Ge-force. Every time I reboot my system 
the settings of my graphic card reset and I have to relaunch the 
nvidia-settings. The results of a shel is the follow:

ERROR: Error parsing configuration file 
'/home/daniele/.nvidia-settings-rc' on
      line 33: 'casa:0.0/RedBrightness=0.000000' (Trailing garbage).

X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 157
 Major opcode:  146
 Minor opcode:  3
 Resource id:  0x0
Failed to open device
X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 157
 Major opcode:  146
 Minor opcode:  3
 Resource id:  0x0
Failed to open device

Any ideas?

Daniele Scarselli
email+jabber: scarselli at faunalia.it
Cell: (+39) 348-7044067  Tel+Fax: (+39) 0587-213742
Piazza Garibaldi 5 - 56025 Pontedera (PI), Italy

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