The kubuntu annoyance

Art Alexion art.alexion at
Tue Jan 2 20:02:47 UTC 2007

On Tuesday 02 January 2007 06:27, Ali Milis wrote:
> 2. K3b does not like "Nero" (?)
> Can not do multi-sessions with k3b, if the previous session
> was burned with Nero. Solution: back to M$ Nero (this is bug #1 :).

If you have a registered copy of Nero windows, download NeroLinux.  It is not 
open source, not free, and has a very clunky interface, but I have found that 
it does things well that k3b refuses to do.

First I try k3b, and if that doesn't work, I use NeroLinux.

Art Alexion

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