smp kernels

Lokeey lokeey at
Tue Jan 2 19:44:03 UTC 2007

yes you can. it will walk you through the install process and if you are
familiar with qtparted you will know what to do as far as selecting a
partition. as for the smp kernels, i overlooked this during my install, but
(k)ubuntu identifies it at as smp. so i'm not sure if they use separate
kernels as i did not see any when i installed kubuntu.

On 1/2/07, Gayle Lee Fairless <fairless at> wrote:
> Which kernels are smp?  I have a Pentium 4 Prescott on a socket 478
> motherboard (ASUS).  I have LiveCD's for both Dapper Drake 6.06 LTS and
> Edgy 6.10.  Can you choose which partition on which to install?  (I have
> Windows XP Pro on the first partition.)
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