
Stew Schneider stew.schneider at
Sun Feb 25 23:45:04 UTC 2007

Giacomo Prodi wrote:
> hi guys.i've got a problem since i do not understand
> how to run the kubuntu desktop,using the live cd,on my
> pc.
> infact i cannot gettin'it started by simply restarting
> the pc.
> someone told me i've got to change the
> options,previous to rebooting,when i got asked to ,by
> my pc.
> i really like to getting started with all this.someone
> may gimmie a tip???
The first thing that gets run when you turn your machine on is the 
"BIOS". The BIOS is part of your computer, not part of the operating 
system, and tells your computer important things about memory and other 
things that the computer needs to know in order to get started. One of 
those pieces of information is where to go look (Harddrive, floppy 
drive, cdrom, usbdrive) for the operating system (Windows, Kubuntu, 
BSD---whatever it may be). Mostly, that's on the hard drive. To run a 
live CD, you want to boot from the CDrom, so you'll have to tell the 
BIOS to look there.

To do that, you have to get into Setup. When you first turn on your 
machine, someplace on the screen it should say "F2 for Setup" or "Delete 
for Setup". Depends on the machine. Do whatever it says, then look for 
boot options. Move the CDRom to the top of the list, save, and reboot.

If you don't see anything like that on screen, google for bios setup 
keys and look up your model.


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