Make apps invisble in the desktop pager

Larry Hartman larryhartman50 at
Mon Feb 19 13:32:33 UTC 2007

Yowsers!  Another one right under my nose...I just did the drag and drop that 
you wrote about.  I can even feel my IQ level increasing--stop, its too much!

On Monday 19 February 2007, Donn wrote:
> > Aaaah, "I hurt" said the blind man as he picked up the saw and hacked off
> > his hand!
> Hey, I feel the same way. I miss all the obvious stuff :)
> > That is a pretty nifty feature.
> Oh yeah, it is pure goodness. I have 10 desktops, one for each kind of
> activity.
> You can even grab the little icons and drag them around in the pager and
> they move on the screen (well, drag and drop). You can also drag them to
> other desktops in the pager too. Very neat.
> The thing I hate most about those new 3D desktops is that cube. It's
> sequential. You have to go from 1 to 2 to get to 3. The pager is
> random-access; you can go from 1 to 7 just like that!
> /d

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