
Chris Gow sniffy at rogers.com
Thu Feb 8 13:30:25 UTC 2007

On Thursday 08 February 2007 08:18:28 Lokeey wrote:
> hey all, i've noticed in adept updater that there are 3 pkgs to upgrade and
> it fetches the following pkgs
> linux-headers-generic
> linux-image-generic
> linux-restricted-modules-generic
> all three show status 'upgradable' and requested 'no change'. when i
> "request upgrade" it shows BREAK (upgrade)
> i've never seen this before...is this something normal??? and should I
> attempt to upgrade or just leave it alone???

This is a me too. I'm seeing this on both dapper and edgy...Hopefully it gets 
worked out.

-- chris

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