Install programs from the DVD

Joe Hart j.hart at
Tue Feb 6 09:46:25 UTC 2007

Mário Gamito wrote:
> 1) I want to install more programs from the DVD than the installer
> did, but i can't figure how.
> I already dealed with Adept, but i don't know how to tell him to get
> the data from the DVD.
> 2) How do i set repositories to fecth programs from the internet ?
> 3) How do i apply updates ?

In Adept, you can change/manage the repositories by selecting View -> 
Manage Repositories.  If the DVD isn't enabled, you can enable it there.

If the DVD isn't listed at all, then you'll have to add it, but if you 
never changed your /etc/apt/sources.list file, then it should be there.

Once the repository on the DVD is enabled, simply click update and 
you'll see all the packages on the DVD.  Also note, that even if the 
repositories on the internet are enabled, Adept (apt) will look first at 
the DVD if it is higher in the list.


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