Ubuntu 8.04 and KDE

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at verizon.net
Sun Dec 30 19:52:19 UTC 2007

On Sunday 30 December 2007, D. Michael McIntyre wrote:
>On Sunday 30 December 2007, Derek Broughton wrote:
>> But that means that it's always to our
>> advantage to have development occuring on as many fronts as possible. --
>Talking about evolution, and organic stuff, I started thinking about
>polarizing software pairs all the way back to before the DOS days.  It's
>nothing new.  Every niche has at least two competitors in the arena; each
>with its own rabid fan base.  Until Microsoft buys one of them, and kills
> it.
>Their practice is like forced inbreeding.  They buy a competing product and
>kill it off, forcing everyone to migrate.  Everyone ends up with the same
>DNA, so to speak, and it leads to the same sorts of problems in software
> that it does in biology.  Weird diseases, high susceptibility to
> infections, weak constitution, etc.
>We have the opposite here, with interbreeding writ large.  I guess you can
>argue we take it too far in the other direction though.  When you have
> gnomes bred with kdedids in 42 different flavors, it can start to look like
> one of Mephisto's five-assed monkeys.

Chuckle, I see you are back to doing stand-up in front of a live audience 

>D. Michael McIntyre

Cheers, Gene
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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I used to be disgusted, now I find I'm just amused.
		-- Elvis Costello

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