(Newbie.) Web (HTML) page editing in Kubuntu

Bas Roufs basroufs at gmail.com
Wed Dec 19 21:32:55 UTC 2007

Dear Andrew and Derek, dear Everybody

Thanks, all of you, for your passionate efforts to help me.
> I agree.  I have never considered any development with web markup
> languages to be "real programming", but what I am trying to say is
> that learning and understanding HTML, XHTML, CSS (et al.) might be
> better for the OP than (being limited by) OpenOffice.

For about one year I have been working with OpenOffice.org for web page 
editing purposes. The result is functional, however not really 
satisfactory. If you are interested, you could navigate a bit through 
this website - than you will see what I mean:
When working with openoffice.org, it is difficult to control how a web 
page exactly looks like - it is not really 'WYSIG'. In most of the 
cases, the result ends up in something that is different from what I try 
to reach. Considering this experience, you might have a point, Andrew 
that it could be useful to get more into grips of web site construction 
basics like HTML, XHTML and CSS. That's why, I followed the advise of 
several amongst you this morning: I downloaded and installed 
'Quanta+'from the Kubuntu 7.10 repository. For the rest, I will consult 
some of the documentation advised to me in preceding messages in this 
thread. For the time being, I will try Quanta - later on, I might also 
try other software. But one step at a time....

>   Like I said
> before, it really depends on what goals Bas has (although it sounds like using OpenOffice would be a decent option).
My goals with respect to the CircleLetter site mentioned above: 
transmitting new en view with respect to the 'Rainbow Family', so 
transmission of information on a non-commercial basis.

A 2nd website I want to launch in January is a professional website 
advertising the services and conceptual approach of my legal-political 
consultancy company.

>   My sticking point is that I am of the mindset that people should know what's going on
> beneath the surface and I was just saying that _writing_ code *could*
> be more beneficial than having a WYSIWYG program write it for you.

You might have a point with this - especially when the 'WYSIWYG' 
software is not really WYSIWYG - see above.

With respect to your input, Derek: ...
> If I need to create a static page, I'll just as happily use OpenOffice.on
Which part of OpenOffice.org do you use in such a case: Writer? Impress? 
Anything else?

> I can't _yet_ create a web site without writing any HTML, but it's getting 
> closer.  

So, in this respect all advises seem to coincide: a bit of 'HTML 
writing' still seems to be necessary.

> ...Plone & Python or Appfuse and Java for dynamic pages...Webgen ....

No doubt, every piece of software has it's specific (dis)advantages - 
for the time being I start with Quanta+, later on I might compare it 
with one or more of the other HTML editing software mentioned in this 

Respectfully Yours,


Bas G. Roufs M.A.
Van 't Hoffstraat 1
NL-3514 VT  Utrecht
E.:  BasRoufs at gmail.com
M.: +31.6.446.835.10.
T.: +31.30.785.20.40.
Skype: BasRoufs
Google Talk: BasRoufs
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