
Girard Henri girardhenri at
Sat Dec 15 11:44:55 UTC 2007

not only in kubuntu
mandriva / fedora does it too...
each time i come back to kwin i set the desktop to one and apply
which comes back to normal behavior :)

lanzen a e'crit :
> David McGlone wrote:
>> On Friday 14 December 2007 10:47:04 am lanzen wrote:
>>> There are still a couple of other things like the pager not working at its
>>> best
>> If I understand you correctly, In your pager config you need to reduce the # 
>> of desktops down to 1.
> Right, that's what I do. More precisely, after booting in KDE I find a
> big single desktop labelled 1 while compiz is already working and giving
> what is has been set up for: 4 desktops.
> Now, if I want a chance of changing desktop in the more traditional way
> by clicking on the pager I have to select the pager options ad add at
> least another desktop. Apply will now show 8 desktops, but only 4 of
> them "active". I then go back again to pager options and select only 1
> desk and now 4 desktops, all active, will show.
> Moving to any other desktop will work, now, but the icons for the
> applications will stay on desktop 1 no matter which desktop I'm on.
> It has become part of the ritual of opening KDE and, if I didn't
> misunderstand, it's a very common problem in Kubuntu. I hope there will
> be better integration in Hardy.

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