HAL bug?

Alexander Smirnov alexander.v.smirnov at gmail.com
Fri Dec 7 06:15:41 UTC 2007

Derek Broughton wrote:
> Alexander Smirnov wrote:
>> Derek Broughton wrote:
>>> Please don't use HTML to mail lists...
>> Sorry about this. I used HTML for colorizing ls output and forgot that
>> many people use text-based mail programs.
> Actually, I don't - but your mail is either HTML only, or the text
> alternative is stripped between sending and receiving from gmane, because I
> only get the HTML portion.
>>>> Probably restarting HAL daemon would help, but i do not what is correct
>>>> way to restart it. There is no sh script under /etc/init.d for
>>>> running/stopping/restarting HAL.
> It appears:
> # sudo dpkg-reconfigure hal
> will do the job fairly easily. After I did that, I also had
> a /etc/init.d/hal (I don't actually know if that reinstalled it - I don't
> think it should - or I just missed it before).  I don't know what it does,
> though, because 'hald' never seems to be running.
Thank you for the hint!

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