KDE 3.5 > KDE 4

Stew Schneider stew.schneider at gmail.com
Mon Dec 3 01:10:50 UTC 2007

D. Michael McIntyre wrote:
> We had had this figured out for years in 1985, and we got along perfectly well 
> until Microsoft and AOL introduced the internet to billions of idiots.
HEY! I resent that! I'm an idiot and I don't use Microsoft products OR 
have an AOL account.

We idiots have pride, you know. There's no justifiable reason to insult 
us further by connecting us to these two sinks of suck. Being an idiot 
in a world such as this is tough enough without insensitive know-it-alls 
making it tougher.

Y'momma uses a Commodore PET.


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