Console font size. WAS: kernel/init messages at boot times.

Ulrich Grün ulrich.gruen at
Sat Dec 1 01:49:32 UTC 2007

Derek Broughton schrieb:
> Ulrich Grün wrote:
>> The problem of the blacked tty was caused by a wrong vga=### option.
>> Before Kubuntu, I used as kernel option 'vga=0x31a' (with SuSE). When I
>> use this with Kubuntu, all tty's are black. When I use 'vga=791' (as Kaj
>> suggested) result is black as well. So, now I have to figure out how to
>> use a reasonable console resolution that works. (and how strange that it
>> doesn't work anymore . . .)
> Did you try just not using "vga=" at all?  It's a workaround, and shouldn't
> be needed for most machines, and one would expect that as the time between
> the release of your computer and the latest kernel increases, it should be
> less and less necessary.

I switched it off, but now the resolution of the text is too low, that is, the 
font is too big. There should be a way to have more characters on the screen. I 
thought that I have to adjust that with the 'vga=' option . . .

    The Sage is occupied with the unspoken, and acts without effort.
    Teaching without verbosity, producing without possessing,
    creating without regard to result, claiming nothing,
    the Sage has nothing to lose.             [Tao Te Ching, by Priya Hemenway]

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