Gizmo cross platform?

Scott Abbey scott at
Tue Aug 28 11:53:24 UTC 2007

On Tue, 2007-08-28 at 12:18 +0300, Nigel Ridley wrote:
> Since, according to the discussion about Wengophone vs. Skype, Gizmo appears to be 
> better; can someone let me know if Gizmo is really better than the other 
> competition and can it 'talk' to folks using Skype (such as family that are still 
> using Windows)?

Gizmo, while quite good, IMHO does not have the voice quality that Skype
does (the same goes for SIP in general). That said, unless you are using
it for recording purposes (podcasts, etc), Gizmo will serve you quite
well. In addition, the Linux client for Gizmo seems better supported
than Skype's, and the quality seems to get better with each release.

No, Gizmo will not talk to Skype in any way (aside from Gizmo to
landline to Skype, which sort of defeats the purpose). Part of the
problem that much of the free software community has with Skype is not
that the software is closed source (Gizmo is, as well), or even that it
uses peer-to-peer technology, but that it uses a totally proprietary and
undocumented protocol (Gizmo and Wengo both use SIP). This means that
Skype is the only one that can talk to Skype.

Scott Abbey <scott at>

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