kicker and the acpi

pol linux_milano at
Thu Aug 23 19:38:48 UTC 2007

Sometimes my laptop overheats, because fan does not start. Restarting the
kicker by the  command:  

   dcop kicker kicker restart

results in the fan starting up.
Also, sometimes fan keeps running even when the cpu is not hot at all (as
one can infer by the temperature of the air flowing out). As the kicker is
restarted as before, fan comes to rest. 

Any hints about how the two devices are related?

Inspecting the .xsession-errors file, i have noticed a series of messages
that might be related to the above observations. Here is one of them:

kicker: error in 
No property  battery.charge_level.last_full on device with
id /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/acpi_C172

Any ideas?

thank you for your help


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