s2ram and kde-guidance-powermanager

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Thu Aug 23 12:20:55 UTC 2007

pol wrote:

> After 6 months working fine, the default method to suspend to ram does not
> resume X correctly any more, on my laptop.
> Luckly, i have found the plain line command 's2ram -f' works, although not
> to perfection (e.g. fan does not start).
> I have suitably changed the script used by 'power manager', that is:
>  /usr/lib/hal/scripts/linux/hal-system-power-suspend-linux
> to select 's2ram -f' as  command to suspend my machine.
> However, I would like to understand why the default dbus command does not
> work so as to try to fix it, but syntax is so cryptic i need your help.

Unfortunately your error description is too cryptic to be able to help :-)

Can you explain what you mean by "does not resume X correctly"?

Typically, there are three issues - either the resume doesn't work at all,
it works but the button used to resume is the same used to shut down, and
both events get processed, or the resume works entirely but the screen
isn't turned on again.

The simple test for the latter problem is to login to a terminal before
suspending, type in "sudo vbetool post", enter, type your password but
DON'T hit enter.  Then invoke the suspend.  Then resume.  If your screen
doesn't come back, hit enter - now, if your display resumes, we know what
the problem is.  With my Dell inspiron, I have had various versions of
suspend/resume require, or not, this sequence.  Usually it can be fixed
permanently in the power manager configuration.

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