Konqueror defaults

Rod Joyce werepenguin at blueyonder.co.uk
Mon Aug 20 19:37:25 UTC 2007

On Monday 20 August 2007 00:20:28 Derek Broughton wrote:
> Karl wrote:
> > Derek Broughton wrote:
> >> How can I make Konqueror always open directories in Tree view?
> >>
> >> My default browsing settings are set to Tree (I _think_ - all the
> >> profiles in ~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/profiles
> >> have "ViewT0_ServiceName=konq_treeview"), but I always get Icon view
> >> when I open a new tab, and it's driving me nuts.
> >
> > Go to Settings/Config Konqeror/File Associations.
> >
> > Select Inode - directory.  Click the Embedded tab and move Tree View to
> > the top.
> Wow.  I have been using KDE for very nearly a decade, and that doesn't seem
> remotely intuitive (though I _can_ see why it works)!
> Thanks, Karl.
> --
> derek

Also thanks, I'd never bothered to look, and I've been using KDE for 7 
Now a really stupid question. I've just come back from trying to fix the 
neighbours' internet access. All of a sudden I can't empty the trash on my 
PC.  "Empty Deleted Items" is greyed out. I've looked at the properties tab, 
that won't let me change anything either. Any suggestions?
Aren't computers brilliant at reminding you how little you really know?

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