Konqueror homepage ?

D. Michael McIntyre michael.mcintyre at rosegardenmusic.com
Sun Aug 19 02:37:16 UTC 2007

On Saturday 18 August 2007, Rick wrote:
> How does one , re-set that default page
> so, when opening Konqueror, that page will display.

One way is to pick the page of your choice (although I don't know how to get 
to the "Welcome to Konqueror!" page off hand) and then go to Settings -> Save 
View Profile "Web Browsing"

That will make the current page your new default.  You can even set up tabs, 
and save this as your view profile.  One on Google, one in /., one on 
SourceForge, etc.  Whatever.

I think there are other ways, but this one is what I use.  À chaq'un son goût.
D. Michael McIntyre 

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