numlock ON before logging in

kubadmin kubadmin at
Sat Aug 18 12:04:19 UTC 2007

In order to have numlock on during login in kde you should do the following:

1 - Using your favorite editor open as root /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc

ex: sudo kate /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc
ex: sudo kedit /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc

(If you're a newbie the password sudo asks for is the same you use to login.)

2 - Scroll down until you find this section:

# What to do with the Num Lock modifier for the time the greeter is running:
# "Off" - turn off
# "On" - turn on
# "Keep" - do not change the state
# Default is Keep

3 - Change NumLock=Keep to NumLock=On

# What to do with the Num Lock modifier for the time the greeter is running:
# "Off" - turn off
# "On" - turn on
# "Keep" - do not change the state
# Default is Keep

4 - Save and exit

5 - Next time you login NumLock should be on.

PS - Though many sites refer the numlockx package for some reason I never 
managed to make it work with kubuntu.

Best regards,

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