
Denis Gaulin 2050gaulin at
Fri Aug 17 02:14:12 UTC 2007

Le 16 août, 2007

Microsoft Word is somewhat of aa problem in itself.   
We have both Word 97/2000/XP and  MS Word  2003.  I cannot open many of
these newer files on my old  MS Word 97/2000/XP word processor software.
When it opens by luck ... the format is all gone and the image do not
show very well either or just does not sow at all.

If the file was made with a newer version than the MS Word version that
you have you may end up with out of wack appearance.

Ooo 2.1, and  2.2  have  opened every Word files from 97/200/XP and Word
2003 so far  and I concede that The image files (.JPG, etc...)   have to
be  reinserted at times. It is also true for Word when you chage

My way of working is to write  and make all all my file text even with
images in .odt format that I save   and then if need be I convert  only
those  files than I need in ,doc format and send that to the other
party. It seems to work very fine so far.

Denis Gaulin

Le lundi 06 août 2007 à 02:19 -0700, yulia kusumawati a écrit :
> good evening, 
> i'm a new users of kubuntu. i found a problem while working with open
> office org2.2. 
> i'm trying to captured several screen from system, paste it into open
> office word processor and save it with microsoft word 97/2000/xp
> formate. 
> when i open those files in windows, it didn't comes up in the right
> position as it is safed before? how come? n what should i do? 
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