Asus F3JA, installation and black window

Nils Kassube kassube at
Thu Aug 16 14:44:03 UTC 2007

Eduard Bonet wrote:
> I have just installed Kubuntu Feisty in a friend's laptop (ASUS F3JA,
> ATI X1600) As it already had Winxp, i resized the windows partition
> etc.etc. Well, after installing windows runs fine, but kubuntu is not
> booting, it stays with a black window, although it seems it is working
> the black window remains and nothing happen till you swich off.
> I have tried "noapic acpi=off" in the kernel line in grub but it does
> not work.

Please include "vga=normal" to the kernel line to find out, where the boot 
process stops.

> I enclose all the  logs i have saved thinking that can help anyone who
> knows a bit about this.

Please don't expect anybody to read 2MB of log files. I don't think it 
very polite to send such huge mails to the list. There are people who 
don't have broadband. With a 56k modem the download of your message alone 
is about 6 minutes online time (IIRC).


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