
Terence Simpson stdin at stdin.me.uk
Wed Aug 8 17:44:33 UTC 2007

Adam McGreggor wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 08, 2007 at 12:13:00PM -0400, Paul Dufresne wrote:
> [...]
>> Is there a project, specification for having easy codecs installation on
>> Kubuntu too?
>> Do we have at least a nice meta-package for installing 'ugly, bad'
>> codecs on Kubuntu?
> I find the good ole fashioned apt-get install $codecs works well enough;
> q.v., https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats
The thing is, Kaffeine and most other KDE apps use Xine, not gstreamer. 
So installing gstreamer won't help you out there. In gutsy, however, 
there will be a meta-package called "kubuntu-restricted-extras" that 
will install things like flash, java, mp3 and dvd support. Not the 
things that aren't in the repositories though, so dvdcss for example 
will need a manual install (same as with the "EasyCodec" thing for Ubuntu).
This will make life a bit easier though.


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