Please add tag to subject

Anton Rolls anton at
Wed Aug 8 16:56:27 UTC 2007

> Popfile _exactly_ does what he wants.

Ok, I thought when he said multiple clients that meant
many. It seems it's only two.

> > Derek, what preferences would you have to change ?
> Huh?  I'd have to remove the damn tag.  I _can_ - but I know Art from way
> back and know that he can do the reverse, so I just don't see why everyone
> else should cater to this whim.
> > Is there anyone here using a device with a small display ?
> Actually, I have a wide screen display - but I don't dedicate
> much space to
> display of subjects and I just don't begin to understand why I should.
> --
> derek

Fair enough. I understand the principle that it's a bad
idea to merge different values into a single field.
(Causes a complication of software to untangle the values.)


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