Wide Screen distortion

Terence Simpson stdin at stdin.me.uk
Tue Aug 7 22:09:05 UTC 2007

Brendan wrote:
> On Tuesday 07 August 2007, Tim Johnson wrote:
>> On Tuesday 07 August 2007, Tim Johnson wrote:
>>> Hi:
>>> I have acquired a new widescreen monitor. Nice to have all the
>>> viewing "real estate", but things a now a bit "stretched horizontally".
>>> Is there any adjustments to be done from X or KDE?
>>> Notes:
>>> kubuntu 7.04 amd64, KDE 3.5.6. Acer X221W monitor.
>>   Addendum: Resolution is set at 1680X1050, default depth=24
>>                    xorg.conf
> same monitor and resolution here...
> Everything looks dandy.
Try with different resolutions, eg my laptop monitor has a 16:10 ratio, 
so I use 1280x800
16/10 = 1.6
1280/800 = 1.6

1680x1050 is 16:10, so maybe your monitor isn't a 16:10 one?


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