
James Tappin sjt at
Tue Aug 7 14:02:27 UTC 2007

On Mon, 6 Aug 2007 23:28:18 +0100
James Tappin <sjt at> wrote:

JT> On Mon, 6 Aug 2007 22:00:14 +0200
JT> Søren Brønsted <soren at> wrote:
JT> SB> On Sunday 05 August 2007 22:39:14 Jan Torben Heuer wrote:
JT> SB> > Søren Brønsted wrote:
JT> SB> > > After I did a Manual Configuraton on KnetworkManager it always
JT> SB> > > starts up in wired connected mode. I can not select any wrieless
JT> SB> > > networks anymore. How do I get my wireless networks back?
JT> SB> > 
JT> SB> > is wireless still enabled (Options)?
JT> SB> yes it is.
JT> SB> 
JT> Methinks there's a bug here.
JT> For me if there is nothing in /etc/network/interfaces then it scans and
JT> shows me the wireless networks that it finds. However it once I
JT> configure the interface (entering ESSID and WEP key) that is written to
JT> /etc/network/interfaces, whereafter it no-longer scans.
JT> It therefore seems to be at best a grave misfeature that reduces the
JT> usefulness of the tool to near zero. If anyone is of the opinion that
JT> I'm misinterpreting the function & purpose of knetworkmanager speak up
JT> or I'll post a bug report tomorrow.

Now reported as Bug #130863


| James Tappin           | School of Physics & Astronomy |  O__    |
| sjt at | University of Birmingham      | --  \/` |
| Ph: 0121-414-6462. Fax: 0121-414-3722                  |         |

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