Q: howto listen to rael audio in 74-bit edgy?

Graham large.bopper at googlemail.com
Sun Aug 5 08:45:19 UTC 2007

On Sat, 04 Aug 2007 19:33:27 -0400
Macario Valle <macariov at gmail.com> wrote:

> I do not know enough about audio, aside from knowing bad audio, when
> presented with it.  Isn't Real audio what you refer to as RealPlayer?

At the risk of sounding geekish, realaudio is the sound format, and
Real Player is a non-free player that uses that format.  But its not
the only one: Helix Player (on which Real Player is based) is a
completely free alternative and will play realaudio streams.

I believe its in the universe repository, but there is something more


or you can download from the website at:





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