Beryl stopped working

Howard Coles Jr. dhcolesj at
Wed Aug 1 17:45:39 UTC 2007

On Wednesday 01 August 2007 12:03:12 pm Pierre Hansson wrote:
> I realize this is the same problem I ran into
> when I first installed Beryl and finally got it to work.
> That time I hade to create a new user to get it work, so I tried to do the
> same thing now, created a new user - and it worked right away. So the
> question is, what is causing this?
> I don't feel like creating a new user every two weeks just cause Beryl
> refuses to work. Does it have something with KDE to do? All theories are
> welcome and I will happily try to hopefully find a solution.
> /phx
> 2007/8/1, Pierre Hansson <316097 at>:
> > lsmod | grep fglrx gives no output.

> > > > Ran into a strange problem (atleast I think so), have had Beryl
> > >
> > > working just
> > >
> > > > fine for a week or two, no problems at all.
> > > >
> > > > Now I restarted the computer and no it isn't working
> > > > anymore, when I try to choose Beryl it just
> > > > falls back to Kwin,
> > > >  I haven't made any changes at all since I got it to work.

This line says volumes to me:

lsmod | grep fglrx gives no output.

This means your ATI Driver is not loaded.  

I would focus on that and get your hardware acceleration running.  

Then, in your home directory is another directory .beryl
Look in there for a file called "settings" move it to "badsettings" then log 
out and back in, and see what happens.

Also look for a hung beryl-manager process:

ps -ef | grep beryl

you should just see something like the following:

<youruserid>     6064         1  0 06:25 ?          00:00:00 beryl-manager
<youruserid>   14630 14612  0 12:35 pts/1    00:00:00 grep beryl

If its running yo'll see something like:

<youruserid>     6064         1  0 06:25 ?          00:00:00 beryl-manager
<youruserid>   14638   6064  1 12:36 ?          00:00:00 beryl --force-aiglx
<youruserid>   14649 14612  0 12:37 pts/1    00:00:00 grep beryl

I use an Nvidia card that has to have the --force-aiglx switch running.

See Ya'
Howard Coles Jr.
John 3:16!

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