small progress, no help so far with cups
Gene Heskett
gene.heskett at
Thu Sep 28 05:16:27 UTC 2006
On Thursday 28 September 2006 00:29, Rob Blomquist wrote:
>> I could probably do that from here, if I knew the name of the
>> executable. Care to share that (for kde)
>the Ubuntu designed KDE Control Panel is run from the menu with:
>systemsettings -caption "%c" %i %m.
>The KDE Control panel is kcontrol.
kcontrol, run as root, works as expected. All printers are visible. But an
su gene fails to run kcontrol, so I log out, and have to kill the shell as
the exit suddenly isn't clean, start a new shell and ssh in as gene, and
then I have to add them one at a time using kcontrol. And the last one,
lp3 which is the gold standard settings at 1440x for this printer, ahh,
after about 3 minutes it fires up. This is slow, but then so is this mode
at about 10 minutes per page, or more, depending on the busyness of the
pix. The test pages aren't so busy as to be just normal for that
It seems to me that doing it this way was the long way around the bush and
I should have brought lunch. There should have been (IMO) a single set the
server screen which when set, automaticly finds the printers at that
server. The root user, because I had already setup
an /etc/cups/client.conf, found them with no problem at all.
Humm, does this mean I should have setup a client.conf someplace
in /home/gene/Desktop/.cups? Interesting theory, that.
>I think the default is the Ubuntu one, but I am an old time KDE guy, and
> have to have both. :-)
Me too, since kde-1.x.
>Mountlake Terrace, WA
Cheers, Gene
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soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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Copyright 2006 by Maurice Eugene Heskett, all rights reserved.
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