Mozilla-Mplayer-3.25 Question

Leonard Chatagnier lenc5570 at
Wed Sep 27 16:19:57 UTC 2006

Hello Everyone,
I have mplayerplug-in-3.31 cvs version installed to
play embedded videos with mozilla browser(not
firefox). While I have some success, its very buggy,
plays some and wont play some that it once did. Also
have to change configuration from the mplayerplug-in
window back and forth from "use HTTP instead of RTSP"
and "connect to RTSP using TCP" to get AP, ABC(plays
sometimes), Today, Reuters, MarketWatch to play but
now even that doesn't work since upgrading once which
took out one file needed to compile
mplayerplug-in(which I reinstalled with no effect).
You can essentially say that mplayerplug-in-3.31 is
broke and not playing embedded videos.
I filed a bug report against mozilla-mplayer-3.17 and
today got an email from at saying it was a
duplicate and that there was a fix-- 3.17 is an old
version. Only there was not reference to the fix. I
now have mozilla-mplayer-3.25 in my apt cache and I
suppose she may be refering to this version.
My questions are:
Has anyone used mozilla-mplayer-3.25 to successfully
play embedded news videos on yahoo linked to AP, ABC,
Today, Reuters, MarketWatch news videos.
If the 3.25 version is a solution, how do I remove
mplayerplug-in-3.31(compiled) which doesn't show up in
aptitude show <package>. This was my first compile and
Rune Baggetun from mplayerplug-in-devel user list held
my hand while compiling and got me through the errors
This is a long standing and very frustrating issue
with me. Would appreciate any reports of success using
mozilla-mplayer-3.25 to play the above videos and any
configuration tricks used. Thanks for any replies

Leonard Chatagnier
lenc5570 at

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