Konqueror toolbar for photos

Nicolas Miyasato nmiyasato at gmail.com
Fri Sep 15 20:27:00 UTC 2006

On 15/09/06, Dotan Cohen <dotancohen at gmail.com> wrote:
> In FC5 I could click on a jpg and it would open in Konqueror, sized
> appropriatly for the konqi window. A toolbar would appear that would
> let me browse to the next or previous picture in the folder, and to
> zoom into the picture. In Kubuntu, the picture opens in full
> resolution, and the photo toolbar does not appear. I have tried
> playing with the various toolbars, but I cannot get anything to appear
> automatically when I open a jpg. How do I get the behaviour of FC5's
> konqi for Kubuntu?

In my kubuntu installation, it does appear a little toolbar when I
open an image, and it let's me zoom in/out, go to the next image,

The toolbar is called GVImagePart. I think that its related to the
application called GwenView.


> Thanks in advance.
> Dotan Cohen
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