Apache intallation issue

Richard S. Crawford rscrawford at mossroot.com
Thu Sep 14 15:48:51 UTC 2006

On Thursday 14 September 2006 06:16, Derek Broughton wrote:
> Not a clue, but if your install complains that a file isn't there, just
> create it.  If the worst happens and apache doesn't work, purge and
> reinstall (without doing a remove first), and all should be well.

I ended up doing apt-get --reinstall for all of the missing packages, and that 

I had thought to do Apache instead of Apache2 because I'd heard that PHP5 
works better with Apache than with Apache2.  Now, unfortunately, even though 
Apache2 is working fine, PHP5 is not working, and none of the Apache2 modules 
have loaded.

In a word: argh.

Richard S. Crawford (http://www.mossroot.com)
Editor In Chief at Daikaijuzine (http://www.daikaijuzine.com)
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