RE : Tor

Patrick.Healy patrick.healy at
Fri Sep 8 06:51:31 UTC 2006

Hey Karol,
I'm in Brussels this week and it's funny because this morning walking in to the "office" here I was thinking about you and a postdoc.  Mind you, I was tihnking of it in the context of a foreign lab.
If you like I will ask Tollis and Liotta about teh possibility of spending time with them when I meet them in two weeks time at GD'06.  Frankly, much as I would like you to be back here, I ithnk for you, professinoally, it would be good to go abroad.  Perugia would be a very good place for you.  But I realise that professional considerations are not all in this life so in parallel with asking those two (with your permission, of course) I'l also ask around at home, UL.
In summary I will start looking next week in UL and, if you like, will ask the two boyos mentioned above.
But I would surely love to have you back with us.


De: kubuntu-users-bounces at de la part de Richard
Date: ven. 08-sept.-06 06:27
À: Kubuntu Help and User Discussions
Objet : Tor

is Tor & provixy are they broken in Dapper for KDE ? 6.0.6 (all the updates
installed) try to install and setup the proxy via web browser, however it
does allow connection outside aka: ..etc

I did use this app, in Ubuntu, but not in KDE (Kubuntu)

Thanks -

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