Embedded Videos Still Wont Play In Mozilla Browser

Roger Haxton rhaxton at swbell.net
Tue Sep 5 13:13:04 UTC 2006

On Tuesday 05 September 2006 06:32, Leonard Chatagnier wrote:
> Sorry Roger, guess I didn't make myself clear on the
> mirror request. I do have the multiverse repo and
> mozilla-mplayer in cache and only recently removed to
> try the gxineplugin. Roger DeKorte,
> mplayer-plugin-devel fame, suggested I install
> "mplayerplug-in", actual file name, from the Kubuntu
> distro or from Debian. Searching doesn't locate it in
> Kubuntu and I don't know which Deb disto it would be
> in. Guess it might be in Deb Sid multimedia or
> similiar and thought Kubuntu users might know. Kevin
> was informed of this 2 days ago but hasn't gotten bact
> to me on it

Mozilla-mplayer is the package that provides mplayer-plugin.  If you install 
or have installed mozilla-mplayer, you have mplayer-plugin installed.  Again, 
I'll ask if you have the w32codecs installed as those are the actual codecs 
that allow any player to play wmv, asf, ect. type files along with certain 
Radioactive cats have 18 half-lives.

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