What's the official best way to use an USB external disk?

Didier Raboud didier at raboud.com
Mon Sep 4 19:29:23 UTC 2006

Le lundi 4 septembre 2006 21:03, Jose Gomez-Dans a écrit :
> Hi!
> I have an external USB disk, where I store (among many other things),
> my music collection and data used by programs that tend to have "hard
> wired" paths in them. Stuff like /media/ExternalDrive/ should be how
> these files and directories should be accessed every time. Moreover, I
> want the disk to be automatically mounted when it is plugged in. And I
> also have a digital camera, which should behave in the same way.
>  I understand that with the advent of pmount, hal and so on, it is
> possible to have this done. However, I don't know how to go on about
> it. It appears that my version of Kubuntu doesn't do this by default.
> I have to go round mounting the icons that appear on the desktop.
> Is my sought-after behaviour enabled by default (or can it be easily
> enabled)? There are some details on how to do what I want in
> <http://floatingsun.net/articles/howtos/howto-usb-automount.html>, but
> I see that there are udev directories and so on in /etc/, so maybe
> it's already installed and half-configured?
> Any hints appreciated :D
> Cheers!

First of all, one good thing to do is to have udev attributing a correct inode 
to a peripheral. Without doing that, if you plug 2 USB sticks in different 
orders, you can have once a naming and once another... So you have to "ask" 
udev to attribute a unique inode per peripheral...

So I have a file name 00_MyRules in /etc/udev/rules.d, that contains the 

BUS=="usb",SYSFS{product}=="iAUDIO M3 Digital Audio 
Player",SYSFS{manufacturer}=="Cowon Systems, Inc.",NAME="iaudio"

So I have my multimedia player [0] set as /dev/iaudio when I plug it in. "man 
udev" and [1] can be very useful for writing such rules.

That's the first step. Then, well.. You can use a well-written line in 
your /etc/fstab or something else depending on your WM.



[0] iAudio M3, reads Ogg, FLAC, Mp3, ... Very good one...
[1] http://reactivated.net/writing_udev_rules.html
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