Move to edgy

Howard Coles Jr. dhcolesj at
Sun Oct 29 02:54:46 UTC 2006

On Saturday 28 October 2006 9:30 pm, Dion LeBlanc wrote:
>   It hasn't been good for me and it is making me reconsider my distro.
> Flash in firefox or konqueror does not work for me and several sites either
> crash firefox or the flash just does not work in konqueror. Then there is
> the completely anal .hidden file in the root directory that stops you
> browsing anything apart from media and your own home directory. If you
> install and app from a tar.gz for instance you can't create and icon on the
> desktop by browsing for the executable, what genius in the developement
> team came up with that stupid idea. Up until now kubuntu has been a good
> straight foreward distro but this sort of customisation is not good for
> kubuntu or for linux in general. Note I have been using linux  for 6 years
> or more and for the last 4 have not had windows on this computer at all, so
> I am definitely no newbie. I know I can delete the .hidden file but having
> to do this to make the distro work properly is a large jump backwards for
> that distro.
> David who unless he can figure out how to fix flash will be going back to
> debian or Fedora

Why not just step back to dapper?  I know Flash worked in Dapper, unless 
you're talking about the flash 9 beta.  Then I'd tell ya' your probably going 
to have the same crash problems with firefox no matter what distro you use.

However, I agree with you on the .hidden thing.  That is one STUPID "feature".
I'd think they'd want to create a package quite in a hurry that would do away 
with that, and redo the iso images and get rid of that as well.  I think it 
was a VERY unwelcome feature to say the least.  I haven't heard of anyone who 
likes it.  Especially considering that in Firefox you have that CRAPPY dialog 
box that forces you to browse to the /usr/bin directory to find "xine" 
or "mplayer" (or whatever other app for whatever other file you want to use 
for an example) for some files.  The problem being you can't because you 
can't see /usr.

See Ya'
Howard Coles Jr.
John 3:16! Christian bookstore

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