OOo Refuses to print in Dapper

marcus lists at
Sat Oct 21 04:22:32 UTC 2006

On Saturday 21 October 2006 05:34, Hawkwind wrote:
> Have you tried printing with a KDE app then tried printing with OOo
> again ? This seems to be mentioned quite a bit on the IRC channels
> and that seems to fix the problem. Just something worth trying.

Yes, remember that OOo is not a KDE/Qt app. Sometimes printing is not 
configured properly for GTK+ apps. (I think OOo uses GTK+ ?)

Example: I had to add my printer name so that Acrobat would print at 
all, which became "/dev/name -Pxyz" in the print dialog box. Where xyz 
is the CUPS printer name. Fortunately that setting is remembered.

So try printing with some other GTK+/Gnome apps. That may configure 
things for OOo to use as well. Just a guess, but worth a try.


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