Kate: spell check, HTMLtidy

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at gmail.com
Fri Oct 20 23:22:37 UTC 2006

On 20/10/06, Leticia Hernández <aikurn at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 20/10/06, marcus <lists at wordit.com> wrote:
> > I would like to know where KDE gets the language info from.
> You can configure your spellchecker from:
> - KControl -> KDE Components -> Spellchecker.
> - Edgy's System Settings -> Local and language -> Spellchecker.
> This names may vary as I use a localized version.
> Leticia

Thanks. I made sure that it reads:
Dictionary: English
Encoding: UTF-8
Client: Aspell

However, Kate insists that it cannot run the spell check program. Kate
tells me to check that the spell check program is installed correctly,
and that it is in my path. I believe that aspell is in my path:

dotancohen at ubuntu:~$ aspell
Usage: aspell [options] <command>
<command> is one of:
  -?|usage         display a brief usage message
  help             display a detailed help message
  -c|check <file>  to check a file
  -a|pipe          "ispell -a" compatibility mode
  [dump] config    dumps the current configuration to stdout
  config <key>     prints the current value of an option
  [dump] dicts | filters | modes
    lists available dictionaries / filters / filter modes
[options] is any of the following:
  --encoding=<str>            encoding to expect data to be in
  --mode=<str>                filter mode
  -l,--lang=<str>             language code
  -d,--master=<str>           base name of the main dictionary to use
  --sug-mode=<str>            suggestion mode

So, why won't Kate use it?

Dotan Cohen


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