bios doesn't like large hard drives

Samuel Debruyn theoneandonlysam at
Tue Oct 17 14:48:22 UTC 2006

I have a Maxtor DiamondMax 8 Plus (40 GB, IDE/ATA, 5200RPM). Because my bios
is too old for a hard drive bigger than 33 GB, I needed to use a Dynamic
Drive Overlay. This utility creates a virtual (=not real) partition on your
hd, with a size of 8 GB, formatted as EZ-Drive, during the booting of the
hd. When your OS is started, it shows the real partitions. My problem is:
this utility only works with Windows, when I tried to install Kubuntu,
Kubuntu was still showing the EZ-Drive. If I delete the ddo, my pc will hang
while the BIOS boots the hd. A solution to this problem?

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