No lyrics in AmaroK

claydoh claydoh at
Mon Oct 16 00:20:15 UTC 2006

On Sunday 15 October 2006 4:30 pm, Dotan Cohen wrote:
> Yes, the error is:
> "אי אפשר היה לאחזר מילים כי השרת לא ניתן להשגה."
> Which translates to:
> "Cannot retrieve lyrics because the server is inaccessable"
> I don't know that the newest Amarok is misconfigured, or if the server
> is down. That's why I asked for version numbers of successes/failures.
> Sorry that I didn't include the error message.
> Dotan Cohen

I cannot get lyrics using the drfault lyrics script (lyrc) in Amarok 1.4.3, 
this isn't a KDE/Amarok issue as the whole lyrc ( site I 
cannot access at the moment. This happens every now and then.

You may want to try a different lyrics script (if they are compatible with 
1.3.9 - I think most are, and the newer ones require Ruby be installed)

Lyriki actually searches multiple lyrics servers, including lyrc, and can be 
installed via Amarok's script manager. You can select which lyric sites to 
poll and the preference order as well.

Clay Weber 

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