Linksys USB Wireless-G WUSB54GC on Kunbuntu/Ubuntu

Bill Coker billcoker at
Fri Oct 13 14:15:30 UTC 2006

Jeremy Anderson wrote:
> Which version of kubuntu?  
> On Thursday 12 October 2006 17:46, Bill Coker wrote:
>> Greetings,
>> I am new to Kubuntu. I'm so pleased so far with how easy to install,
>> confgiure and how well it runs. I'm just trying to finish up the things
>> that it could not setup.
>> 1. USB Wireless-G WUSB54GC
>> [I have the cd if needed to get .ini or other files from.]
>> I have googled tons of pages and have no had any luck with the steps
>> needed.
>> Do I need to install ndiswrapper? When I look for it using package
>> manager [not installed] it says, "The default Ubuntu kernel already
>> provides the required modules".
>> I cannot locate anything on the file system with the name so I'm
>> thinking I still may need to install it?
>> MY USB is working great I just need to get the Wireless card on board
>> with everything else :)
>> 2. Does anyone else use the card that can provide a url or some other
>> documentation on the steps required to get her running.
>> I appreciate any assistance.
>> Thanks,
>> Bill

I'm sorry, I guess that would have been helpful;

Kubuntu 6.06.1 Dapper
installed from live CD.

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