Moving data between 2 PCs

Billy Pollifrone billy at
Tue Oct 10 14:15:27 UTC 2006

On 10/10/06, Orjan Sinclair <o.sinclair at> wrote:
> Is there really no reasonably simple way to copy from 1 PC to another
> via removable media?? And keep ownership and rwx permissions as original???

One way is to use tar to create an archive of the files, move the
archive to the media and then use tar on the other end to extract the

tar czpf --exclude=myfiles.tar.gz myfiles.tar.gz *

will create a suitable archive of the files in question. Then once
you've gotten the archive to the other system and are at the mount
point you want the files to end up,

tar xzpf myfiles.tar.gz

- Billy

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