Frode M. Døving frode at
Sat Oct 7 16:33:40 UTC 2006

Lørdag 07 oktober 2006 02:47, skrev Scott:
> On Friday 06 October 2006 01:35 am, bluszcz at
> Enabling a root password and thereby allowing you to use "su" instead
> of "sudo" doesn't disable sudo, it just gives you both options.
> kdesu and has been patched to use sudo instead of su.  But if you'd
> rather (for consistency sake) use your root password in kdesu you can
> alter your sudoers file directing sudo to ask for the root password
> instead of the user password.

Instead of hacking sudo you can make a file ~/.kde/share/config/kdesurc
with the contents:


That would make kdesu use su instead of sudo.
To make this configuration global: 
'sudo cp ~/.kde/share/config/kdesurc \ 

NOTE: I have not tested this in edgy. Used to work in dapper, not tested 

- Frode

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