Re Kubuntu 6.10 beta-desktop i386-has Alzeimers

Bry Melvin brymelvin at
Mon Oct 2 17:45:28 UTC 2006

Rod Lovett <rodlovett at> wrote: Hi I write this at a resolution of 640x 480 at 60Hz, and it seems 
unrecoverable, hopeless, my previous res of 1240x1280 at 60Hz gone, 
This release was going great on my ATI, AMD Venice core 3000+, 1.5g ram 
machine, rebooted several times no problems, but after a complete 
shutdown and later reboot, it got Alzeimers and forgot its x settings it 
It cannot be changed, still sees the ATI card and plug and pray monitor, 
but no more than 640x480 even as root.
Done this to me on  2 installs, different HDD's.
Anyone else found this behaviour I wonder, and is it fixable?
It fixed LTS's screen freezing with screensavers at least.
Rod Lovett

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This may not work in ALL situations, but if your display worked before it probably will. It also fills a hole in Ubuntu for various configuration changes to be done from a GUI. I've used it to move an HD to a different computer when I had a motherboard failure too:

install the configure-debian package

then from the command line sudo configure-debian.

It's much better than searching a lot of manpages and fixing things. At least for those that don;t have configuration file settings committed to memory :-)

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