lines in image when printing

Harold Hartley harold_hartley at
Sun Oct 1 20:40:41 UTC 2006

Bry Melvin wrote:

a line "where the colours are displaced to one side creating a line:

Its a line where the edge of the 2 layers print for the picture or 
image, but the text is just fine. but as noted above
> changing resolution to print   ex from 600 or 1200 dpi to the lower 
> printer resolution can cause a lot of problems. too.
I have looked around depending on what driver I have to use, the lowest 
is 300 x 300 dpi
> IIRC 610C is only 150 DPI colour, never used one but DID use a couple 
> of the 693C series a long time ago.
> from my examples
> the black line was caused by a buffer/memory problem
> the second by a bad scanning on cds made with windows XPs built in CD 
> writer which was making the CD too fast for the CD media and sent to 
> me by a local print shop ...having them make the file at a lower speed 
> or with a thirfd party app fixed this BUT,, these lines were visible 
> when the pic was displayed.IOW a bad file
> the Line where colour became suddenly more intense was VERY 
> characteristic of these older printers on larger prints because the 
> ink flow would gradually slow down as the printing took place making 
> it lighter, then as the printer would pause as the buffer "filled" the 
> ink would be more intense as printing resumed.
> If it's the latter the only cure is to replace the cartridge if that 
> fails ...the printer...basically exceeding the capabilities of the 
> printer,
> This problem disappeared with the larger cartridges of the later 800 
> series, and does not to seem to occur with the later photosmart series 
> even though they have small volume cartridges.
> Anything that interrupts the printing  can cause this problem 
> sometimes on almost any inkjet when printing a large print... best 
> either use a print server or leave the computer completely alone while 
> printing a large file even with linux. Use of the swap can pause 
> printing,,,even though it does a better job thean windows. (even old 
> OS/2 does better than windows multitasking :-)  )
> FWIW we use old machines as dedicated print servers for this reason. 
> like P1s with 512 mb of memory.
> also using gimp to resize/ resample th file to closer to printer 
> resolution will help
> Multiple noise lines are inherent in the alteration of the file 
> resolution for printing.
> A rule of thumb was to scan (or build) the graphics file at a 
> resolution <or=150% of the final print resolution to minimize this.
Maybe I'll have to save my pennies to get a different printer, but for 
my case is very difficult because I live in a nursing home. I'm not 
complaining, but I just wanted to note my budget. :)
Maybe if I play around with the settings, I may get it right since when 
I use to use mandriva, it printed just fine for everything, but now I'm 
using kubuntu and I did notice when booting, it was loading a HP linux 
print and image system. But I now need to investigate into this more.


P.S. thanks for the info you gave me to help figure things out.

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