K3b and Hanging the CD-RW
D. Michael McIntyre
michael.mcintyre at rosegardenmusic.com
Sat Nov 25 16:02:44 UTC 2006
On Saturday 25 November 2006 12:52 am, Rob Blomquist wrote:
> Anyone else have a problem with this and is it a bug, my drive going bad,
> or something I can fix up?
I *have* had similar problems. Either it wouldn't start, or it would spin up,
burn a little bit, and stick there, yielding a coaster.
I never resolved it. I unplugged the drive and bought a USB DVD-RW to use
instead, after having problems out of two newish internal CD-RWs in a row.
So far so good. I'm debating whether to pull one of the drives and try to use
it in a new built-from-junk box I'm putting together out of handmedowns, or
just buy another external USB jobbie. Maybe it's the drive, maybe it's my
mobo, maybe the wind wasn't blowing the right way on those days.
Burning on Linux has always been slightly bitchy. I have nothing to compare
to on Windows, since I didn't get a burner for the first time until
switching. Which means my oldest burner is only five years old. I still
have 5.25" floppy drives around here somewhere that are 20 years old, and
would still work if I plugged them in. I think newer technology is designed
to self-destruct on its own.
D. Michael McIntyre
Author of Rosegarden Companion http://rosegarden.sourceforge.net/tutorial/
See my new music stand unfolding at http://users.adelphia.net/~silvan/
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