Card reader

Neil Winchurst neil at
Fri Nov 24 09:34:28 UTC 2006

D. Michael McIntyre wrote:
> On Thursday 23 November 2006 12:10 pm, Neil Winchurst wrote:
>> Thanks, that is exactly what happened. I plugged the reader into a USB
>> port, with a card already in place,
> Now that you mention it, I have not had good results swapping cards with the 
> reader plugged in, or swapping to a different kind of card.  I don't know if 
> that's supposed to work or not, but it doesn't here.  I do exactly what you 
> said, and put the card in the reader before plugging the reader in.
> Make sure you close the view after you're done with a card.  I've found if a 
> now non-existent reader is still mounted in a now defunct view, then the card 
> doesn't get picked up when I re-attach the reader.
> With consistent management practices, it seems to work reliably.  I haven't 
> had to fool around with manual mounting and umounting since I worked out how 
> to avoid getting things tripped up.
The card was already in place because, being new to card readers, I had 
to work out how the card fitted into my multi-card reader first. There 
are numerous slots in the reader so I had to make sure I had the card in 
the right place. So I just left it there when I plugged the reader into 
the USB port and, as I said, it all just worked.

By the way, I have been told that the reason it just works for me is 
that I have an up-to-date kernel. Apparently card readers are simply 
plug and play as long as your kernel is 2.6.* whereas with earlier 
versions it does not work so well.

And I do make sure that I close the view down properly each time. I have 
been caught out too many time in the past.

Since I have just the one camera and therefore just the one card I don't 
expect that I will ever need to worry about swopping cards at all. So I 
won't be able to test if swopping cards works for me or not.

Neil Winchurst

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