dpkg problem

D. Michael McIntyre michael.mcintyre at rosegardenmusic.com
Thu Nov 23 23:17:34 UTC 2006

On Thursday 23 November 2006 4:01 pm, Chiphazard56 at aol.com wrote:
> dpkg --configure -a

OK, I've done some more digging.  Several different threads like this one 
where the next guy said "Run the command it told you to run" like I just did, 
and the command didn't work.

Most of these pages aren't in English, which is always a good sign that you 
have a really rare problem.

I have gleaned a couple of things to try by reading the followup and the next 
suggestion that apparently worked.  However, I have no special knowledge of 
the behind the scenes guts stuff of apt, and cannot endorse these 
suggestions.  I am just passing them along.

Suggestion 1:

rm /var/lib/dpkg/updates/*

Suggestion 2:

apt-get clean

Try your luck.  I doubt you can make things any worse with either of these.  
(Famous last words.  :)  )

D. Michael McIntyre 

Author of Rosegarden Companion http://rosegarden.sourceforge.net/tutorial/
See my new music stand unfolding at http://users.adelphia.net/~silvan/

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